3 Mommy Makeover Procedures to Enhance Your Figure
If you are tired of hiding behind baggy clothes because of loose skin, drooping breasts, or stubborn fatty bulges left behind after pregnancy, talk to Dr. Khattab about undergoing a mommy makeover. We perform several targeted procedures at our practice that can reshape and contour your body to restore your pre-pregnancy figure. Dr. Khattab may recommend liposuction, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or any combination of procedures to restore your body shape and enhance your silhouette after pregnancy.
These three mommy makeover procedures can enhance your figure:
Tummy Tuck Surgery to Sculpt the Midsection
One of the most common problems many women have after pregnancy is a protruding stomach or loose skin around the abdomen. In most cases, these outcomes are impossible to fix with diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck can slim and sculpt the abdomen to create a more attractive profile and give you that flat and toned stomach you’ve always wanted. We can perform a tummy tuck with liposuction to reshape the waistline and eliminate stubborn fat pockets or bulges around the midsection.
Breast Augmentation or a Breast Lift to Restore Your Feminine Silhouette
Many women who have undergone multiple pregnancies end up with drooping or sagging breasts. If you are tired of wearing push-up bras or hiding behind baggy clothes because of drooping breasts, talk to Dr. Khattab about a breast lift and benefits of breast implants. The breast augmentation procedure can restore breast volume and give you a perkier, more youthful appearance, while a breast lift can lift any drooping or sagging tissue.
Liposuction to Contour Your Body
Even though you may have worked off some of those pregnancy pounds, there may be some areas that have become unresponsive to your diet and exercise efforts. Liposuction is a very effective procedure for removing localized fat from those problem areas, including the inner and outer thighs, upper waist, flanks, and upper arms. If you’re struggling to lose a few inches from some of those problem areas, liposuction may be part of your mommy makeover package.
Recovery times for mommy makeovers vary by patient and depend on the types of procedures you are undergoing. We can determine whether you are a candidate for a mommy makeover during your consultation with Dr. Khattab. Schedule your appointment today.